Technology             and quality

in Oral Health

Dental implants

Recover your smile

Dental implants are one of the most significant advances in dentistry in recent times.
​These consist of an artificial root, made of titanium screws, biomaterial compatible with the bone, which is used to replace one or more missing teeth, facilitating the construction of fixed prostheses or the stabilization of dentures.

At Implant Clinic Dental Spa we know the importance of having good oral health, so we constantly train ourselves in various dental techniques so that you get a highly professional service.

We perform an evaluation to give you an accurate diagnosis according to your needs.

RESERVATIONS:  9000-2748 9000-2749


Dental harmony

We will make the diagnosis and treatment of the anomalies by the position, relationship and function of the dental structures, in order to correct their possible alterations and keep them in an optimal state of health and harmony

Our services

Recover your smile

At Implant Clinic Dental Spa we offer you a comprehensive service to recover, correct and maintain your oral health. Here you will find professionals who at all times will be attending your dental health needs. 

​Request an appointment or send us your information and one of our collaborators will attend you with kindness and professionalism.

Comprehensive Dentistry

Maintain your oral health

We carry out the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the diseases of your denture and all the structures of your mouth.

Our service includes:

  • Cleaning
  • Application of fluorine
  • Resins
  • Whitening
  • Scale

Mini implants

A smile for the best years

This technology will allow you to recover and replace your natural teeth. They are a smaller version of a normal full-size implant, these are also made of titanium. It is a non-invasive technique, since one does not perform open surgery to place them. By not having to open the gum, you do not have to give stitches and, therefore, there is practically no postoperative period, or pain, swelling or bleeding. In most cases we can perform the immediate loading of the prosthesis on the implants, especially in the procedures in the jaw. The quality of life of patients improves dramatically immediately, both in chewing and speech and general comfort to be practically immobile prosthesis.